What brings people to Newvine Growing?

Some people arrive here because of links I post on Facebook or Twitter. Others subscribe to e-mail or RSS updates, and some generous readers pass along links to friends who might be interested.
Search engines are also responsible for a good chunk of traffic.
And while some people arrive after searching for, say, Ben Jaffe, happiest people in the world or marriage advice, others come for more random reasons. I hope they aren’t disappointed when their terms legitimately land them on my doorstep.
Top 10 search terms, in order, with the post the term connects to:

chuck close
vanishing point
manhattan map
healthy heart
chuck close paintings
p diddy white party
parallel lines in real life

So maybe if I wrote a post about Chuck Close hosting a shuffleboard party in Manhattan, where people wear all white and eat cilantro, I could own the Internet?
I also recently wrote about the top 10 most popular blog posts on Newvine Growing.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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