What books have inspired you? Part II

eatprayloveI love serendipity and coincidence.
When we visited Ann Arbor last weekend, I was talking to Matt and Rene Greff about how much I’d enjoyed Eat Pray Love — a book I thought would be a lightweight beach read but instead turned out to be a thoughful self-examination of a woman’s journey to rediscover herself after a divorce. She travels to Italy to eat, India to pray and Indonesia, it turns out, to love.
Then we returned home to Brooklyn to find a whole flotilla of movie trucks parked on our street. It turns out Julia Roberts & Co. are filming Eat Pray Love in Brooklyn this week. A blogger who goes by Pretty in the City writes:

They’re filming “Eat, Pray, Love” on my street today. Like, right in front of my apartment. Right now they’re filming at the laundry mat on Smith between Dean and Bergen—my laundry mat—which means that Julia Roberts is now once removed from my underwear.

Other blog accounts of the Brooklyn movie set include:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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  • Lara
    Posted August 13, 2009 6:21 pm 0Likes

    Aw, you stole mine! I was going to choose Eat, Pray, Love in response to your last blog post. Having also lost myself a teensy bit after a divorce, I connected with the things that Gilbert was going through. I also found her spiritual growth really inspiring.
    Her sister, I might add, penned the second book on my list: Dairy Queen (by Catherine Gilbert Murdock). This young adult book is about a girl who lives on a Wisconsin farm and wants to play football on the high school team. The voice is so fresh and original, and it is one of my favorite YA reads of all time. It truly inspired me to think about my writing differently.
    What a talented fam is all I can say!

  • Trackback: Elizabeth Gilbert on creativity: don’t be a genius, have a genius « Newvine Growing — exploring evolution, revolution and living life intentionally

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