Trying brown noise to get good sleep

Who doesn't crave a satisfying cat nap? Pandering cute kittens photo used under Creative Commons license, courtesy of
Who doesn’t crave a satisfying cat nap?
Pandering cute kittens photo used under Creative Commons license, courtesy of

I am envious of those people who could sleep through a bomb blast.
I’m easily awakened by noises, my hubby is an even lighter sleeper, so we spend a fair amount of time talking about the late-night walking around of our upstairs neighbors, the early morning sounds of the bagel shop opening below us and all manner of other minor disturbances.
For several years, we’ve slept with a fan or the air conditioner on as white noise to help muffle noise.
Lately I’ve been curious about alternatives, including pink noise.
According to Dr. Oz:

This all-natural sleep cure can be more effective than prescription medication. In one study, 75% of the people who listened to it had a more restful sleep.

What’s pink noise? As says:

Both white noise and pink noise contain all the frequencies that are audible to humans — 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz — but the way their signal power is distributed among those frequencies differs. White noise has equal power per hertz throughout all frequencies, while the power per hertz in pink noise decreases as the frequency increases.

Hoping pink noise might help us sleep in a house where we’ve been awakened so far by a garbage truck, a car going by with a blasting stereo, a bird doing an imitation of a car alarm, idling school buses and, my personal favorite, a cat in heat yowling below our bedroom window, I thought it was a good time to experiment.
I downloaded the Simply Noise app and we began playing nighttime noise through our little Jambox Bluetooth-enabled speaker. I started with pink noise but John likes brown noise better. Simply Noise describes that:

Brown Noise – Utilizes the lower sound frequencies to generate a deep ambient rumble. Brown noise is excellent for aiding sleep, pacifying children and pets, and even masking Tinnitus. It’s also great for breaking in audio equipment and soothing migraines.

So far, it’s great. It’s a nice, soft distraction from all the various things swirling around, and I’ve gotten some good nights of sleep.
Have you tried white, pink, brown or any other kind of noise to sleep?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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  • Matthew H
    Posted August 3, 2014 1:36 am 0Likes

    Interesting. I tried the Simply Noise website – they sample their “noise” there. Based on your suggestion I selected the brown noise. It instantly brought an image of ocean waves crashing constantly on the beach (think a place like First Beach in Washington state). Seems consistent with the idea that waves on a beach are a relaxing sound for many people.

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