Three great sources of inspiration from the interweb

Believe it or not, the Internet is good for more than watching videos of skateboarding dogs — you can find loads of help on your journey to become a better person.
One consistently great site is called Zen Habits. Articles on their Web site include:

But part of the reason you need help is that you’re busy. You want to be more romantic, exercise more and be more productive but with so many other things on your to-do list, you need help to make a priority.
Don’t wait to remember to go to Zen Habits. Sign up for daily reminders delivered to your e-mail or via an RSS feed.
I also subscribe to the Dale Carnegie Success Connection Tip of the Week. It’s a nice un-spammy way to remember the lessons I learned in my Dale Carnegie class. Even if that week’s tip doesn’t suit me perfectly, it’s only one a week, and when I do like that week’s tip, it’s a quick, easy read so I don’t procrastinate getting to it.
Some examples:

  • Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  • Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.”
  • The single greatest cause for failure in managers is their inability to delegate.”
  • Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.”

Want to sign up? Here’s the form.
Finally, author Keith Ferrazzi offers weekly tips on relationships, networking and success. Some of his recent topics have included:

  • Three Steps to Kick Social Anxiety and Become Comfortable Approaching Anyone
  • A Guide to Workplace Combat – Fight Your Way to a Faster Promotion
  • “Eat like a bird and poop like an elephant.” – Guy Kawasaki

You’ll have to check out Keith’s blog if you want to learn what that Guy Kawasaki quote means. And once you figure it out, you can sign up to get Keith’s weekly e-mails on his blog, too.
What inspires you on the Internet? A Web site, an e-mail subscription, something else?
Yes, I know, I mentioned a skateboarding dog and you’ve been wondering this whole time if that was for real …

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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