The tour of best farmers markets continues this weekend

This year I’ve embarked on a tour of what are considered some of the best farmers markets in the country.
I consulted a variety of sources that rank the best markets, including:


Click here for a slide show of the Daily Green's top dozen farmers markets in the country

I marked their favorites on a big map of the U.S. to look for the common choices and began visiting them as I had the opportunity.
This spring I made it to the Sunset Valley market in Austin, Texas just before it relocated. I also spent a glorious morning at Ferry Plaza in San Francisco — the gold standard at this point — and to two different markets run by the Crescent City organization in New Orleans.
Of course I’ve spent time at Union Square in New York — the flagship market in our adopted hometown is amazing.
This weekend we’re road tripping up to the Capital City market in Montpelier, Vt.
Some others on my map include:

What do you think the best farmers markets in the country are? And what do you think makes a market not just good but great?
Want to find a market near you? Or find an excuse for a fall excursion? Check out Local Harvest’s directory.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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