The High Colleedays begin the countdown to 40

I’m a little kid about birthdays — I enjoy making a fuss about other people’s birthdays and I love celebrating mine.
Yes, even as a suit-wearing executive with an MBA, I have been known to take a box of cupcakes to work on my birthday, just like you might have in elementary school.
As part of that, we don’t just celebrate my birthday for one day. How could that possibly be enough? No, it’s a week-long celebration leading up to my birthday, and we call it the High Colleedays. (This is followed by the week-long celebration of John’s birthday, known as Johnukkah)
I turn 40 on Wednesday, March 16, so today kicks off the High Colleedays — and probably no one is more surprised than me that it will likely be a low-key affair.

Now don’t get me wrong. If you’d like to sing to me on March 16, I’ll totally take it. But I think the real festivities will come when we leave for New Orleans in a few weeks.
And John gets to conclude Johnukkah in NOLA.
P.S. If you’ve landed on this post because you were searching for Preservation Hall at SXSW, be sure to check out Danny Clinch’s new documentary on March 17: Live at Preservation Hall: Louisiana Fairytale and the band plays that night at the Moody Theater.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


  • John
    Posted March 10, 2011 12:51 pm 0Likes

    Hail Colleen, goddess of jazz, organic goodness and panache!
    So say we all.

  • Kimberly
    Posted March 16, 2011 8:03 am 0Likes

    Happy Birthday, Colleen. What a fantastic idea to celebrate for more than just one little day.

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