Thank you! August is Newvine Growing's best month yet

thank you noteWhile I am a long way from dethroning Oprah’s media empire, I am still excited — August was Newvine Growing’s best month yet for visits. Thank you so much for spending time reading, and thanks especially to those of you who have shared your thoughts and feedback in comments.
I find my August numbers especially satisfying because I expected people to be too distracted by sunshine and vacations to read about weighty stuff. But then you go and make a post reflecting on the anniversary of my mom’s death a big success, while a bunch of you chimed in on whether you can work harder than your clients and a profile I did on my former colleague Joel Zeff back in March got a bunch of traffic, too.
And one of my very first posts, about the evolution of Netflix and Chuck Close, continued to rack up strong visits in August. It’s still my most-visited post, thanks in part to lots of first-time visitors who land here after searching for painter Chuck Close.
Could September bring even more visits? Yes, I admit it, I’m greedy — I don’t just want you to pop by once, I want you to come back again and again and bring your friends.
To help with that goal:

  • I’ve added a “subscribe to Newvine Growing” page with three different ways to let my blog come to you. It’s free, it’s fast and it’s easy.
  • I want your ideas about what you’d like to read here. Do you have a story of transformation you would like to share? Or do you have a suggestion for a topic? I put out a call for suggestions a few weeks ago but your ideas are always welcome. I read all my comments so share your suggestions wherever or whenever you like.

Any other suggestions on what would get you to stop by more often? I welcome your input.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


  • Eleanor
    Posted September 2, 2009 10:19 pm 0Likes

    in terms of ideas for future posts and what would be fun – CONTESTS! Get book authors or career advisors or professional organizers 🙂 to donate their services to contests or drawings you hold for your readers

  • Colleen
    Posted September 3, 2009 5:35 pm 0Likes

    Excellent idea, Eleanor.
    When John ran a contest on his blog (, he got a big spike in traffic as people shared the link with friends who might want to enter — and it looks like he’s gotten a permanent boost in his traffic since then.
    I don’t suppose you might know a professional organizer who would volunteer her services for a contest?

  • jtebeau
    Posted September 4, 2009 11:01 am 0Likes

    Congratulations. You deserve it. Keep up the good work.
    Snappy blog posts and strong opening sentences always help drive traffic, so sayeth the sage Brogan.
    I’d like to read more stories about people who came back from the brink. We all love the tale of someone who was down and out, got up off the mat, and made it.

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