Tag: writers

Rob Pasick coaches leaders on finding balance

Rob Pasick coaches leaders on finding balance

I met Rob Pasick years ago, when I was business editor at the Ann Arbor News and he was an interesting local character — a psychologist and executive coach and who was working the media not about his day job but about his book “Conversations with My Old Dog.” We’ve stayed in touch off and on over the years, and…

Thank you! August is Newvine Growing's best month yet

Thank you! August is Newvine Growing's best month yet

While I am a long way from dethroning Oprah’s media empire, I am still excited — August was Newvine Growing’s best month yet for visits. Thank you so much for spending time reading, and thanks especially to those of you who have shared your thoughts and feedback in comments. I find my August numbers especially satisfying because I expected people…

Kickstarter offers micro-patronage of the arts

Kickstarter offers micro-patronage of the arts

Some people don’t pursue their dreams for very practical reasons — they have to pay the rent and they worry that being a musician, artist, filmmaker or writer won’t make any money. A story in the New York Times this week introduced me to Kickstarter, based in our back yard here in Brooklyn. Earl Scioneaux III is not a famous music…

Is it true you can't work harder than your clients?

Is it true you can't work harder than your clients?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a blog post I stumbled onto headlined You can’t work harder than your clients. Diane Sieg, an emergency room nurse turned author and life coach, writes on her blog: As I start my second month of Life Coaching at the Wellness Treatment Center, I am reminded of a very important concept: You can’t…

Three great sources of inspiration from the interweb

Three great sources of inspiration from the interweb

Believe it or not, the Internet is good for more than watching videos of skateboarding dogs — you can find loads of help on your journey to become a better person. One consistently great site is called Zen Habits. Articles on their Web site include: 20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life Simple Living Manifesto:…

What books have inspired you? Part II

What books have inspired you? Part II

I love serendipity and coincidence. When we visited Ann Arbor last weekend, I was talking to Matt and Rene Greff about how much I’d enjoyed Eat Pray Love — a book I thought would be a lightweight beach read but instead turned out to be a thoughful self-examination of a woman’s journey to rediscover herself after a divorce. She travels to…

"Editing Letter" becomes YouTube hit

"Editing Letter" becomes YouTube hit

Lara Zielin is my sparkly, cute author friend. I think that’s a big part of why her silly YouTube parody, Editing Letter, has become such a hit — she’s just doggoned likeable. Lara’s first novel, Donut Days, is due out this summer. She worked hard on lengthy revisions to get it ready for publication and poked fun at the writing…