Tag: Thanksgiving

Marketing Monday: What do Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday mean to you?

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday … remember when it used to be just plain ol’ Thanksgiving? It seems there’s been more buzz this year around Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, making this a long weekend devoted to conversations of shopping and discounts. Should your business participate? Obviously too late to join in for this year,…

Blogversation 2012: What is your number 1 tip for making the most of holiday parties?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Amy Throndsen, on Twitter as @amyserves, likes to ask Blogversation questions timed seasons: In June, she asked what you loved…

Take time today to give thanks — it's good for you

So many people are stressed out today about so many things: why is my brother always late? will these lumps come out of the gravy? can you even believe how long that security line was at the airport? In a country of people who don’t really cook, we maintain this annual tradition of huge dinner parties, making foods many of…

Why be thankful anyway?

Maybe some of you spent a little time going around the table at Thanksgiving dinner sharing something you’re thankful for? While the holiday is mostly about gorging on food and/or spending time with loved ones, there is this sweet notion of a holiday about counting our blessings and giving thanks. I’ve taken that a step further with Month of Thanksgiving,…

I am grateful for: good food and plenty of it

  On Thanksgiving, many of us will spend the day feasting on a ridiculous amount of food, only to lay around later groaning that we’re about to burst.   While we gorge ourselves silly, the AgChat Foundation is urging us to give thanks for that abundance of food — and for the farmers responsible for producing it. They explain: A…

Margaret is grateful for: her daughter's bus driver

Today’s Month of Thanksgiving post is the winner of the “Who are you grateful for?” contest. It was difficult choosing just one winner, but here are some reasons I chose Margaret Yang‘s ode to her daughter’s bus driver: Many people wrote about their family, and I’m delighted to see so many people holding up the love of their parents, siblings,…

Month of Thanksgiving is coming

Thanksgiving is about a month away — on Nov. 25, in case you haven’t checked your calendar. That means I’m getting ready to do another Month of Thanksgiving. Maybe you recall that last year I did a post every day leading up to Thanksgiving, focusing on gratitude and getting in a thankful mindset. What’s so cool is that Paul Taubman,…

Day 31: How will you celebrate your gratitude tomorrow?

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 31: How will you celebrate your gratitude tomorrow? Is it a long tradition or a new idea? When I launched the Month…

Day 29: Life's messy and that's OK

There are certain life events that seem to amplify our natural tendencies toward perfectionism — planning a wedding and hosting Thanksgiving dinner among them.
We pull out a Martha Stewart yard stick to measure our efforts and almost certainly fall short. In real life, most of us don’t have a staff of dozens invisibily helping and we won’t make five turkeys so we can photograph whichever one looks most perfectly golden, then Photoshop out any flaws.
In short, real life is messy.

Everything's amazing and nobody's happy

Many thanks to my coworker, Dave, for sharing this video with me. I now share it with you. It’s about four minutes that will make you laugh and, with luck, will leave you thinking that mostly you’ve got it pretty good. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOzNrO54xsY] Thanksgiving is in about a month — it’s Nov. 26, if you’re now thumbing for your calendar — and heading…