Tag: Robert Emmons

Why be thankful anyway?

Maybe some of you spent a little time going around the table at Thanksgiving dinner sharing something you’re thankful for? While the holiday is mostly about gorging on food and/or spending time with loved ones, there is this sweet notion of a holiday about counting our blessings and giving thanks. I’ve taken that a step further with Month of Thanksgiving,…

Day Three: Need a little help with your gratitude journal?

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day Three: Getting started with your gratitude journal Maybe you’ve jumped right in to keeping a gratitude journal. With a song in your heart and a spring in…

Day Two: Starting a gratitude journal

Yesterday I introduced the idea of a Month of Thanksgiving, and invited you to spend a month focusing on gratitude. Robert Emmons at UC Davis is a gratitude researcher. Highlights of his research on gratitude and thanksgiving include: In an experimental comparison, those who kept gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better…

Launching a Month of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one month from today, on Nov. 26. It’s a holiday when lots of people spend at least a little time giving thanks, though in my experience that often means generalized pre-meal prayers like “We’re grateful for family, friends, our health, this food. Please pass the stuffing and turn up the Lions game.” I’d like to do better than…