Tag: playing piano

Two months 'til 40 and counting

After talking about it for years, I finally started beginner piano lessons last spring, in part because the approach of my 40th birthday felt like  a good deadline. I fantasized about learning a song that I’d be comfortable playing in public, maybe even hosting a big 40th birthday bash with New Orleans Bingo Show headlining and with me playing my…

Public pianos in New York City

I should be practicing piano a lot this weekend, since I didn’t put in as much time last week as I would have liked. But it’s so nice outside! It’s hard to stay inside plunking away when it’s in the 80s and sunny. Fortunately, not everyone needs to make this choice between enjoying a lovely summer day and playing piano,…

Woody Allen on the merits of practicing and New Orleans jazz

The Village Voice this week has a wonderful, sprawling piece on Woody Allen and his love of traditional jazz. Yes, the same Woody Allen, he of the artsy movies that define the neurotic New York archetype, also happens to have a standing weekly gig at the Carlyle. If you’re wondering if they’re any good, it might be worth noting that…