Tag: fashion

Who decides what's appropriate to wear?

Who decides what's appropriate to wear?

Though the 10 years I’ve been in New York are apparently long enough to give myself permission to buy some pretty outrageous clothing and jewelry, the Midwesterner in me worries my choices might be too far from the norm. I imagine arriving at a party, a restaurant or the office and all of a sudden it’s middle school again and the cool girls are snickering.

Blogversation 2012: How will you add glimmer to your look this season? Or will you maintain your usual fashion profile?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from the fashionable, creative Lesley Ware, www.thecreativecookie.net. On Twitter, Lesley is @creativecookie. The holidays always conjure…