Tag: Christmas shopping

I am grateful for: small businesses

I am grateful for: small businesses

  John and I walked home late Thanksgiving night, trying to walk off a few of the thousands of calories we’d ingested with friends, and our path took us past a big shopping center down the street where crowds were lining up for Black Friday sales.   I’ve never felt compelled to get up in the middle of the night…

Everything I need to know about Christmas, I learned from the Grinch

Everything I need to know about Christmas, I learned from the Grinch

Holiday season is upon us, and with it comes numerous sources of stress: The search for the perfect gift. The pressure to throw the perfect party. Worries about whether long-simmering family tensions will boil over at the dinner table. Instead of Norman Rockwell scenes of snow-dusted bliss, my dad, the retired cop, tells blood-curdling stories of domestic scenes on Christmas…