Tag: career path

Preservation Hall's Ben Jaffe balances tradition and innovation

Editor’s note: This is a fairly lengthy post. I suggest you fire up Preservation Hall’s live performance on World Cafe, maybe mix yourself a hurricane, and settle in. Ben Jaffe grew up with dreams of becoming a modern jazz musician, “really hell bent on moving to New York.” Family responsibility and appreciation of where he’d come from put him on…

Rick picks a new career with Rick's Picks

Rick Field, founder of New York pickle concern Rick’s Picks, recently taught a dill pickle making class at farmers market in Prospect Park. As he waited for the brine to heat up in a kettle on a propane burner, Field talked about his unlikely transition from television producer to artisanal pickle maker. As the New York Press reported: Field wasn’t…

You've heard of Slow Food. What about Slow Money?

Thanks to Twitter, I learned about the Slow Money conference — I hadn’t heard of it until I saw Stowe Boyd’s 140-character updates Thursday. BusinessWeek writes: There’s a conference going on in Santa Fe this week about Slow Money. The idea behind slow money, modeled on the 20-year-old slow food movement, is to create an infrastructure for investing in local…

Kickstarter offers micro-patronage of the arts

Some people don’t pursue their dreams for very practical reasons — they have to pay the rent and they worry that being a musician, artist, filmmaker or writer won’t make any money. A story in the New York Times this week introduced me to Kickstarter, based in our back yard here in Brooklyn. Earl Scioneaux III is not a famous music…

Is it true you can't work harder than your clients?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a blog post I stumbled onto headlined You can’t work harder than your clients. Diane Sieg, an emergency room nurse turned author and life coach, writes on her blog: As I start my second month of Life Coaching at the Wellness Treatment Center, I am reminded of a very important concept: You can’t…

Ben Jaffe interview started but not finished

For anyone waiting to hear the story of Ben Jaffe, director of Preservation Hall, apologies but you’ll need to wait a bit longer. Ben and I got started on a fantastic interview but technology was not cooperating. He was on his cell phone at a French Quarter theater, preparing to shoot video of a Terence Blanchard show the next night,…

Mediabistro.com class invites you to reinvent yourself

I love getting confirmation that I’m not the only one interested in reinvention — like a recent e-mail from Mediabistro promoting a “Reinvent Yourself” seminar this Saturday. If you’re available Saturday afternoon and live in the New York area, instructor Latia Curry’s class is described like this: You’ve been dissatisfied for a while. Maybe you woke up this morning and realized…

Selling your services retail instead of wholesale: becoming your own boss

I’ve already seen numerous takes on the “laid off workers decide to pursue new path” story. I blogged about it a while back, linking to a few versions the Times had done, including focusing on white-collar professionals deciding to become disc jockeys. (Why that career and not massage therapists or sign-language translators? Who knows.) A story in the Washington Post…

Chuck Close is still a blog magnet

Newvine Growing’s audience is growing each month, but I still have Chuck Close to thank for lot of my visitors. I blogged about artist Chuck Close’s reinvention back in January, just a few weeks after launching this new effort, and that entry continues to lead many people here. Maybe even you? Here’s a sample of some search terms that landed…

Letting the economy nudge you into chasing your dream

I’m a big believer in the silver lining — that what initially looks negative can turn out to be a real positive. You might just need to be willing to accept that disguised gift. The New York Times recently ran a story headlined Weary of Looking for Work, Some Create Their Own. Part of the story says: Plenty of other…

MSNBC launches series called "Reinventing America"

Apparently I’m not the only one who finds exploring career transformation interesting. Check out MSNBC’s package of stories including individual stories of how people are adapting to a changing economy as well as pointers on reinventing your career. Then pop over to Career Diva to read Eve Tahmincioglu’s reaction to some of the audience comments generated by the MSNBC stories. They’ll give…

Joel Zeff, journalist-PR guy-comedian-speaker-author

Remember in high school art class, when you learned that two parallel lines like railroad tracks converge in the distance? Joel Zeff’s career path looks like that, with his day jobs as a reporter and PR guy merging with his hobby as a stand up comedian and improv troupe member in his current incarnation as a motivational speaker. The beauty…

Reinventing your career without leaving your job

Previously on Newvine Growing (read that in the Battlestar Galactica opening sequence voice) I’ve profiled people who’ve reinvented themselves by changing jobs and starting down a new career path. That’s all well and good, you think, but when unemployment is hitting double digits in some states, maybe this isn’t the best time to make that big switch. Not only are…

The evolution of Joel Peterson, founder of Ravenswood

You might not think of Joel Peterson as a transformation story — he grew up in a wine-loving family, and he started Ravenswood in his 20s then stuck with it until he made millions from a wine that’s become a household name. But I think the way it happened speaks to evolution and passion. And since it’s my blog, I not only get…

Changing careers when it's not your idea

Many of my friends are journalists — reporters, editors, photographers, the many things people do to deliver you the news every day. But with advertising drying up and Wall Street hammering on news organizations that mostly still seem flummoxed by how to make money online, that’s a tough place to make a living. A graphic designer started keeping track of all…