Sara is grateful for: her running tights and their little key pocket

Several people submitted thoughtful entries in the “What are you grateful for?” contest — including those in the comments of that blog post, and a few in the comments on “Who are you grateful for?” that I think technically might be more of a what than a who.
But rather than get all grammatical on who’s a who and what’s a what, let’s just crown the winner: Sara Grace.
Though I loved Margaret’s appreciation of the color pink, Ruth’s gratitude for her spinning wheel, Amy’s thankfulness for the DVR that lets her watch Michigan football even with a toddler in the house — not to mention Suzi’s appreciation for Ann Arbor Civic Theater and Ruth’s ode to Pantomonium — I chose Sara’s appreciation for her running tights because:

  • Sara committed to running a thousand miles this year and has been blogging about her journey. In the 11th month of that challenge, she could be really resenting her running and all the equipment  that goes with it. But no, she’s still noticing the little things that make those runs better.
  • I’m a fan of appreciating the little things, the simple pleasures that make life better, and I like that Sara took the time to call out something that maybe be small but that makes her feel good.
  • Sara’s birthday is this week and since I’m a huge fan of birthdays, isn’t it nice to give someone a contest prize on her birthday?

Here’s Sara’s winning entry:

Among things, I am grateful for the key pocket on my running tights. It’s a small thing, but it makes me feel so FREE when I run. If it only held keys, it wouldn’t be THAT exciting. But, for example, yesterday I used it to hold my debit card, my lipgloss, my Kiehl’s eye cream, $20, AND my keys. (Pretty much everything a girl needs for a good time.)
Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe what I’m really grateful for is my running tights themselves. In addition to the key pocket, they’re also comfy and stretchy and do a pretty excellent job holding everything in place when I run.
Spandex running tights, where would I be without you?

I'm not sure if Sara is wearing her beloved running tights with the little key pocket here, but either way, you can click here to read her blog.


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  • Sara Grace
    Posted November 24, 2010 10:39 am 0Likes

    I won? I won!! Thank you! Yippee. This is a great cushion to the fall I had yesterday: I ordered a new pair of running tights, warm ones, and… THE KEY POCKET IS TINY. It is actually key sized! Major disappointment. It never could have won this contest. So now I’m doubly thankful for that particular original pair of tights, and their commodious pocket. 🙂 Happy thanksgiving all!

  • Lara
    Posted November 24, 2010 11:28 am 0Likes

    I loved Sara’s entry. I really did. I totally love that bitty pocket on my tights as well. Yay Sara!

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