Sara Grace's 1,000-mile year

The first time I visited Sara Grace’s blog and read her profile, I was hooked.
Here’s the opening from her profile on My Thousand Mile Year:

I’m Sara Grace. I seek pleasure and spent a lot of years firmly convinced that it was best found at a dinner table, in recline, or in bed. I nourished my indulgent and excessive sides because I’m a writer, and that’s what writers do. Sure, I exercised regularly; I knew it kept me sane and feeling good. But it was like time on the chain gang.
So I went into this challenge nervous. We all have a dresser drawer full of identities – some lovingly worn, others that we’ve squeezed into like a bad pair of jeans. Until fall of ‘09, “runner” wasn’t even in my drawer.
During the last quarter of ’09, I got myself through a hard romantic transition (OK, a break up) by starting to run more seriously. And I started to love it. So much so that I felt that My Thousand Mile Year would be the best, most transformative challenge that I could possibly take on in 2010.
I’ve let go of some of my juvenile notions about how a creative person should operate. Discipline, process, and hard work – all required and strengthened by running – are the exact same traits that boost and sustain creative pursuits.

One of Sara's race T-shirts, image borrowed from My Thousand Mile Year.

She goes through a break up and discovers running — that’s finding the positive in a bad situation. But then she builds on that by committing to run 1,000 miles in a year and sees that as a vehicle to transforming her M.O. as a creative?
Love it.
I’m grateful to have gotten to know Sara as the community director for the Relationship Masters Academy, the class I’m taking through Keith Ferrazzi’s company.
I always enjoy discovering people who are on a mission of transformation, and it’s even better when it’s a fellow creative who now also happens to live in NYC. In a city of 8 million stories, I’m glad to follow Sara’s.
We’re just over halfway through the year — how are you coming on your New Year’s resolutions?
If you haven’t made as much progress as you’d like, or if you didn’t make a resolution back in January, it’s not too late. How about committing to a goal you can make between now and Dec. 31? Maybe you could do about 450 miles to be on pace with Sara?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


  • Sara Grace
    Posted July 19, 2010 1:25 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for the kind words and the great call to action Colleen!
    Do you have a running goal yourself? I have a feeling I’m going to need some buddies in the final months, when I’m going to have to catch up if I’m still behind!

  • John Tebeau
    Posted July 20, 2010 12:41 pm 0Likes

    Love this post, Colleen.
    My goals? Better than I might have thought, but far from perfect. I’ve made headway, but there’s miles to go….

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