Reflecting on my 2010 goals

I'm pretty pleased with how well my 2010 lined up with my goals for the year.

I’ve been spending a good chunk of December working on reviewing and revamping my life goals in preparation for the new year.
I don’t think of it as setting New Year’s resolutions, as I think those kinds of easily discarded “I’m going to lose 20 pounds” goals are less productive than crafting a fully formed vision for how I want my life to be.
As part of looking forward, I pulled out my 2010 goals and was pleasantly surprised to see how well I’d done at achieving them.
I’d wanted to start yoga and piano, and I did both.
We have a healthy marriage, a healthy savings account and an enjoyable lifestyle.
That makes it fun to look to 2011. We’re starting in a good place and I’m comfortable imagining it just getting better from here.
Here are some posts I’ve done in the last year on resolutions and goal setting, in case you’re casting about for inspiration for your own 2011 resolutions:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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