Nobody Wants To Read A Book Anymore, A Friend Quipped, But Everybody Wants To Get Published (via Bruce DeSilva's Rogue Island)

And just in case you haven’t gotten enough on Bruce DeSilva, click “read more” below for his first-person account of getting his novel, Rogue Island, published.
Of course I have to point out the Michigan connections: Otto and Larry are Michigan alumni, and Susanna represents my friend, Lara Zielin, who edits an alumni magazine at Michigan.
I love that even in a city of 8 million people, the writing community is such an interconnected village.

Nobody Wants To Read A Book Anymore, A Friend Quipped, But Everybody Wants To Get Published The questions I’m asked most often about my new crime novel, “Rogue Island,” are:  “How long did it take to write?” and “How did you find a publisher?” “That figures,” a friend quipped.  “Nobody wants to read a book anymore, but everybody wants to get published.” So here are the answers: Either 14 years or six months, depending on how you count. And a combination of dumb luck and friends in the right places. It all started back in 1994, when I wa … Read More

via Bruce DeSilva’s Rogue Island

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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