Newvine Growing is all about evolving and growing

I launched this blog nearly two years ago as a means of exploring my own mini midlife crisis. I wanted a venue to explore questions like what makes life meaningful, what makes us happy, who should my role models be in living life well.
Of course being a data nerd, I’m interested in which of these issues get the most traction with others. Not that I’m going to become the Justin Bieber blog to pander to traffic, but to the extent understanding what you’re interested in and what you’re not can inform my content decisions, hey, I’m listening.
I’m making plans to refine Newvine Growing in 2011 based on my own interests and on reader feedback. Meantime, I thought you might be curious to see the top 10 posts of all time:

Home page
Giving yourself room to evolve: the examples of Netflix and Chuck Close
On moving to Brooklyn
On calling a truce with cilantro
Joel Zeff, journalist-PR guy-comedian-speaker-author
Preservation Hall’s Ben Jaffe balances tradition and innovation
healthy heart
About the author — Colleen Newvine Tebeau
Day 19: Saying thank you better and receiving it better
Silencing your inner critic
Lucy and Ricky beds might help your marriage
Chris Warfel’s unlikely path to oyster farmer
Ann Arbor News reincarnated as
Retirement might not make you stress free

There are actually 13 listings there because I didn’t think “home page” really tells you much — that just says people came to read whatever’s current — and “about the author” is flattering and all, but it’s sort of tangential to the actual content. And “healthy heart” isn’t even a post, it’s just an illustration I used in a post, but it gets a ton of traffic from the search engines.
What would you most like to see on Newvine Growing in 2011?
I also recently wrote about the top search terms that bring people to Newvine Growing.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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