My life goals in painting form

My fabulous artist husband, John Tebeau, is doing a painting of me with a few of my favorite things: friends, food, music. The central image is me with my Jazz Fest second line parasol.

After I blogged about New Year’s resolutions, several of you asked the fair question: what are MY resolutions?
The honest answer is I’m still working on my big-picture 2010 goals. I’ve started with some tactical changes: commenting on one other blog every day, doing some form of exercise every day, taking better care of my health.
I have a comprehensive vision statement that touches how I want the professional, personal, creative and relationship components of my life to fit together and I’m giving that a thorough review. We’ve been talking a lot lately about our long-term plans for our life so I’m making sure my goals document is in sync.
Meantime, John is working on a real big picture for me. It’s what he and I have called a spell painting, but you could also call it a wish painting or his interpretation of the popular vision board.
He’s doing a portrait of me surrounded by images of things I like having in my life: good food, happy music, socializing with friends, big dogs. In the center, me with my Jazz Fest parasol. It’s a visual reminder of my life priorities and what makes my heart feel good.
Like Julie Andrews singing My Favorite Things in painting form.
If you had a painting of your favorite things, what would it look like?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


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