My favorite endorsement, from Eleanor Traubman

A friend of ours who is active in the Brooklyn blogging community recently sent me an e-mail that gave me a real boost of excitement — hey! what I’m doing is reaching someone!
Eleanor Traubman wrote:

I am a big fan of your blog.  I like the combo of personal/professional development.  Thoughtful without being fruity/crystal-waving. (speaking of fruity, remember Jack Handy from Saturday Night Live?  when you’re in the right mood, it can be hilarious to read from his books)

Thoughtful without being fruity is precisely what I’m going for here, so it was music to my ears. Then she gave me a shout out on her artist-and-entrepreneur blog, Creative Times. That made me doubly happy, since I’ve seen new visitors checking out Newvine Growing from Eleanor’s link.
So Eleanor, this one’s for you — Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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