class invites you to reinvent yourself

I love getting confirmation that I’m not the only one interested in reinvention — like a recent e-mail from Mediabistro promoting a “Reinvent Yourself” seminar this Saturday.
If you’re available Saturday afternoon and live in the New York area, instructor Latia Curry’s class is described like this:

You’ve been dissatisfied for a while. Maybe you woke up this morning and realized just how much you hate your job, or your current gig is okay, but you fantasize about another path. Or maybe you’re finally ready to start and complete the project you’ve been thinking about, dreaming about, or feeling guilty about not doing. You want more from your career — something better, different, or new. Maybe you have an idea in mind, maybe not. You’ve been dreaming about making a change, possibly a big one, but how? If you know it’s time for a career shift and you’re motivated to start — or to begin figuring it out — this seminar will show you how.
In this seminar, you will learn:
  • How to identify what you really want
  • Ways to see if your skills and talents are a match for where you want to go
  • Step-by-step tactics for creating a game plan
  • Why knowing nothing about your dream career shouldn’t stop you
  • Tools for keeping the momentum going
  • Why money is never really “the issue”
  • How to make a really big goal manageable today

Do you think taking a class would help you with your reinvention? Would setting aside some time to focus on what you want to do and how to get there make a difference? Or do you consider it more of a personal or individual effort?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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