I'm grateful for: my personal trainer


With thanks to "Twon" on Flickr, no, this isn't me.

I’ve written quite a bit about how grateful I am for my fabulous piano teacher, but today I need to give a little equal time to my personal trainer, Cory.
It’s a little confusing why I’m paying someone to torture me – after our first session, I literally could not walk down stairs without a sad, painful little yelp.
But I’m not being a masochist. Cory’s been a great help to me in the gym because:

  • He gets me out of my rut of just mindlessly grinding away on the elliptical machine – and that makes my trips to the gym a lot more interesting
  • He pushes me beyond what I’d do on my own – and I’m usually pleasantly surprised to find I can handle it
  • He helps me make a commitment to the gym – since I have an appointment with him that I’ve paid for, I’m a lot less likely to slack off
  • He makes me laugh

Anyone who keeps me smiling while my arms are wobbling from another set of push ups must be doing something right. Honestly, the mere fact that I can do push ups – not the wimpy girl kind I used to do, but real push ups – is all Cory.
Now if he could just duct tape my mouth shut so I’d stop shoving in more food and wine, I’d probably be losing weight from these weekly sessions.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


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