I am grateful for: public art

John has an art show tonight in Brooklyn and I will beam like the proud wife I am seeing his paintings showcased by ContaminateNYC.
But one of the things I love about New York is that even when you aren’t at a gallery, museum or other designated art event, you’re surrounded by art.
Last Friday we were headed to an art salon in Chelsea and on the way we walked through Madison Square Park. At first I thought this mass of white lights among the trees was holiday decorations going up, but after a minute, I figured out what it was — an installation of lights that simulates shadows of pedestrians walking by.
We enjoyed that for a bit, then continued on our way, only to stop at the nearby Flatiron Building. Colored lights projected onto this iconic building gave the illusion that it was being spray painted.
It’s not just visual arts, of course. We’re surrounded by all manner of musicians on the sidewalks, on the subway platforms, in the subway cars themselves.
A few weeks ago I was heading home from work when I heard a rockin’ brass band in Penn Station. I decided to grab a sandwich from one of the underground restaurants and sit and enjoy Underground Horns for a while.

I saw Underground Horns truly underground. Click here to listen to them on MySpace

Sprinkled in with some spectacularly talented artists and performers are those that make me laugh — like this little jazz combo I ran across.

We’ll likely go to Jalopy Theater in Brooklyn Friday to catch Baby Soda Jazz Band, which I fell in love with when I saw them playing in Penn Station about a year ago — similar to the way we became smitten with High and Mighty Brass Band when they were playing on a bench in Central Park. We’ve since paid to see High and Mighty numerous times.
Here’s Baby Soda at work …
New York certainly doesn’t have a lock on public art. Many cities, big and small, have this experience of creativity coming to you instead of waiting for you coming to it — one of John’s favorite memories of Ann Arbor was “Michael Jackson guy,” this dude who lip synched to MJ with full choreography.
So wherever you are, I hope you appreciate the people who are creating public art and making your day a little brighter.
And if you’re in New York — it’s still nice to go to art shows, so come to John’s tonight!
Opening Reception: Nov. 11th, Thursday – 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Ongoing Exhibition: Nov. 11th – Dec. 11th
Wine Tasting: Dec. 2nd, Thursday – 7:00pm – 10:00pm
@Root Hill Café
262 4th avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (Map)

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


  • Konstantin Dimopoulos
    Posted November 11, 2010 10:04 am 0Likes

    Such a rich culture in NYC where the people become part of the art landscape

  • Jurgan Turner
    Posted November 11, 2010 4:40 pm 0Likes

    I like the Flatiron building. It seems to be a love it or hate it building! We have a Flatiron in Vancouver as well, modeled after the original.

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