I am grateful for: excellent contest entries

As part of the Month of Thanksgiving, I’m running two — TWO! — contests:

Readers have submitted some excellent entries already but I’m greedy. I want more more more!
The deadline is Saturday, so take a few minutes to share who or what makes your life better by going to either of those posts above and leaving a comment.
I’ll make my selections based on the sincerity of your gratitude, the reasons you give, creativity and originality. YouTube videos, photo slide shows and any other form of submission are welcome, in addition to good old-fashioned text.
To get you started, here are some little snippets of the entries thus far.
Donna wrote:

Since I’m in school, I am thankful and grateful for a family who surprises me everyday for their support while I’m in school. I am thankful for having a husband who is supportive of me while I finish school. I’m also grateful for his loving warm family who has accepted me as who I am.

Julia wrote:

My older sister is the person I looked up to, wanted to be or at least dress like when I was small. When I was young, she was bossy, mean & impatient with me. Once we were young adults & became friends – it seemed implausible – but I found it hard to get through a day without her counsel or just the sound of her voice on the phone.

And my hubby, John, wrote:

For the Beatles and Seuss and Newvine and mom.
For P. S. Hoffman and Andrea Tom.
For Paul and Art and the Everly Brothers
For Marconi and Bell and Sinatra and others.

Margaret wrote:

I am grateful for the color pink: all shades of it, from screaming-hot-almost-orange to cool-subdued-almost-purple. Pink is a sunset, a bunny’s nose, a tropical bird or a Hawaiian lei. Little girls in pink hair ribbons. Hello Kitty dancing through my daughter’s bedroom. Pink is rosy is optimism is promise is glowing health. Pink is fresh new blooms and when I feel like winter will never end, all I need to do is wear a pink sweater, or put on my warm pink slippers, and suddenly spring flowers aren’t so far away.

Amy wrote:

I am grateful for my DVR because it allows me to watch Michigan football games, no matter what my toddler is doing. Throughout the first half on Saturday, I was able to hit the pause button any time he needed crackers or water or milk or his froggy or a book or …

Sara wrote:

Among things, I am grateful for the key pocket on my running tights. It’s a small thing, but it makes me feel so FREE when I run. If it only held keys, it wouldn’t be THAT exciting. But, for example, yesterday I used it to hold my debit card, my lipgloss, my Kiehl’s eye cream, $20, AND my keys. (Pretty much everything a girl needs for a good time.)

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


  • Sara Grace
    Posted November 19, 2010 9:42 am 0Likes

    Last night I was suddenly inspired to write a long treatise on why I’m thankful for the Essex Market, which is representative of everything that’s wonderful about the Lower East Side …. but I got 3 lines in and realized I was about to fall asleep at my keyboard. I’ll write it, eventually – but may not make it in time for your contest.

  • Smudgi
    Posted November 20, 2010 11:41 pm 0Likes

    I’m grateful I live in New Orleans and that I’m always sorounded by amazing music of all types. Voodoo & Jazz Fest bring in the biggest names of national artists and amazing artists like the PHJB & Shamarr Allen call New Orleans home and you can catch them all around town.
    I’m also thankful for Gale Marie, my ever present concert going partner and my little Voodoo bird who bring me so much joy! And all of my music lovin friends from all over!

    • Smudgi
      Posted November 22, 2010 9:04 pm 0Likes

      I should avoid posting from my iphone for fear of typos like sorounded…I’m makin’ up words now! lol I think ya got my drift!

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