Check out "How to find happiness," by Bill Watterson with art by Gavin Aung Than

Today’s post is really more of an invitation, an urging, a fervent pointing elsewhere.
Thanks to our friend Lou Rosenfeld for posting the link on Facebook, I read and loved Bill Watterson’s “How to Find Happiness.”
It’s beautifully written, with charming Calvin & Hobbes style illustrations by Gavin Aung Than, and Watterson quickly and simply gets across his view of what matters in life.
If you’ve been wasting your time on the wrong things and need a shove in the right direction, this might be it.
Check out "How to Find Happiness." You'll thank me.
What are you waiting for? Consider it your weekend comics. Go now.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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