How is 2014 treating you? And how are you treating it?

Our new year card for 2013 featured images wishing recipients good luck in various forms.
Our new year card for 2013 featured images wishing recipients good luck in various forms.

We’ve just passed the halfway point of 2014 — how is the year going for you? Are you following through on your ambitions for the year?
One of the advantages, and challenges, of being married to an artist is that it’s not enough to simply pick up a box of Christmas cards with snowflakes on the front and put them in the mail.
Instead, we now typically design our own, which involves brainstorming meetings, reviewing sketches and discussing revisions — all of which makes it more time consuming than stopping by the Hallmark store, but I love sharing something that’s really meaningful to us.
Our current trend is making cards that encourage friends and family members to live the new year well.
In 2013, John drew postcards with a variety of images we associate with being lucky and making luck — giving and receiving gifts, love, laughter, abundance and peace, for example.
This year’s card was more interactive. We provided a range of verbs we felt could improve your life, including several pairs of actions: start and quit, commit and release, host and visit, save and give.
We’ve seen the card on several refrigerators as we’ve visited friends’ homes, and we have our own card on our refrigerator, showing the three words we each chose. I look at it often as I’m going about my daily routine, and it reminds me how I want to live my life.
With half of 2014 left, it’s not too late to commit to your own three words. Or to recommit, if you’ve slipped from your resolutions.
Comment here if you’d like a hard copy of the 2014 card. We still have a few left and I’d be happy to help you make some mid-year resolutions.
Our 2014 card asked recipients to commit to three actions they would take in the new year.
Our 2014 card asked recipients to commit to three actions they would take in the new year.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

1 Comment

  • kathy backus
    Posted July 16, 2014 10:43 am 0Likes

    half way … thx for reminder — & motivation!!

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