Heat Wave In Washington Square (via The Skopeo Project)

I don’t know if I agree that it’s rare for New Yorkers to share special experiences, but I am totally on board with the idea that the shared oppression of triple-digit heat is bonding. It’s like we’re all in the foxhole together.
A hot, sweaty, sticky foxhole.
If you’re sweating like crazy, what’s something good to come from it? Is it forcing you to slow down and relax a little? To get to know your neighbors better because they have a pool? To remember to look out for the elderly on your block?

Heat Wave In Washington Square It’s so hot and humid in the city that people are finding relief wherever they can. Even en masse in Washington Square Park’s giant fountain (it’s actually designed to double as a wading pool.) This is one of those rare New York moments when total strangers come together to enjoy something special. A great reminder of why I love living here! By the way, I made the mistake of leaving home last night without my camera. So, this is the first iPhone … Read More

via The Skopeo Project

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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