George Clooney on self confidence and being willing to fail

In spite of my unabashed adoration of George Clooney, this is not just a thinly veiled excuse to get his handsome face on my blog.
Parade magazine recently featured Clooney on its cover, then ran a related Q&A on its website. The article, headlined What Drives George Clooney, included this snippet that’s a perfect fit for Newvine Growing:

You’ve talked about how lucky you are. What have you learned from your failures?
It’s hard when you get thumped. I’ve been proficient at failure. But the only thing you can do is say, “Here’s what I won’t do next time.”
I was a baseball player in school. I had a good arm, I could catch anything, but I was having trouble hitting. I would be like, “I wonder if I’ll hit it; just let me hit the ball.” And then I went away for the fall, learned how to hit, and by my sophomore year I’d come to the plate and think, “I wonder where I want to hit the ball, to the left or right?” Just that little bit of skill and confidence changed everything. Well, I had to treat acting like that. I had to stop going to auditions thinking, “Oh, I hope they like me.” I had to go in thinking I was the answer to their problem. You could feel the difference in the room immediately.
The greatest lesson I learned was that sometimes you have to fake it. And you have to be willing to fail.

And now,  a trailer for Clooney’s new movie, Ides of March, shot partially in Ann Arbor:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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