Do you want to write about something that inspires you?

Have you ever read this blog and thought to yourself, “I could do that” or maybe even “I could do better?”
Here’s your chance to prove it.
I’m looking for guest bloggers. Every time someone makes an insightful point in the comments, it reminds me that everyone comes at this topic of living life intentionally with their own perspective and experiences. Having different voices here offers readers so much more.

My weekly blog traffic is trending up. I spiked last week but even coming back down from that, it's still climbing overall.
My weekly blog traffic is trending up. I spiked last week but even coming back down from that, it's still climbing overall.

What’s in it for you?

  • Maybe you enjoy writing and don’t get to do enough of it in your day job.
  • Maybe you have a profession or practice that would benefit from added exposure. This isn’t a commercial but if you write a post for my audience, they will get a chance to learn who you are and what you think.
  • Maybe you like the idea of having your own blog but can’t commit to maintaining the whole thing yourself. Contributing to someone else’s blog is more realistic.

My blog traffic is growing each week so you get the benefit of reaching a small but increasing group. That’s either in addition to the people you already reach, or it’s instead of having to build an audience yourself.
Some of the topics I focus on are career, creativity, lifestyle, food and drink, home and family, health and wellbeing and a catch-all I call “writer’s choice.” If you think it fits here, you might be right. Just tell me why.
If you might be interested, let me know. We can discuss your idea and the timing for it.
I welcome your participation in the conversation.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


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