Chuck Close is still a blog magnet

Newvine Growing’s audience is growing each month, but I still have Chuck Close to thank for lot of my visitors.
I blogged about artist Chuck Close’s reinvention back in January, just a few weeks after launching this new effort, and that entry continues to lead many people here. Maybe even you?
Here’s a sample of some search terms that landed people here on Sunday:

  • chuck close — 14 (that’s the number of people who searched that term, then chose to come to Newvine Growing)
  • chuck close paintings — 3
  • vanishing point art –2
  • chuck close eye –1
  • chuck close close up– 1
  • chuck close gallery–1
  • vanishing point–1
  • chuck close self portrait close up–1

That’s not every single search term in my blog stats, but it’s enough of a trend that I continue to find it fascinating. What is it about Chuck Close that’s generating that many searches, and that’s leading searchers to chose my write up?
Anyone want to comment?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

1 Comment

  • Purple Monkey Bandit
    Posted October 8, 2009 8:19 pm 0Likes

    Chuck Close blog got me here!

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