Blogversation 2012: What did you love about summer when you were a child?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012.
This week’s topic feels so perfect — as I’m posting it, it seems the whole eastern half of the country is melting under record highs, and I’m remembering steamy summer days when I’d run through Dad’s sprinkler then squeal with delight when I heard the bells of the ice cream man approaching.
Amy Throndsen, on Twitter as @amyserves, asks these sweet, summery questions:

Since summer is in full swing, I’m wondering what was one of your favorite things about summer when you were a child?  What are some of your summer fun activities now?

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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  • Colleen Newvine Tebeau
    Posted June 29, 2012 12:34 pm 0Likes

    I think my favorite thing about summer was how late sunset was — my mom’s rule for many years was that I had to be home by dark, and in those pre-cellphone days, I could just disappear for hours on my bike as long as I followed that mandate. It felt so great to zip around, popping in on friends, and know that I had what felt like forever until the sun went down.
    Occasionally I would look at the sky and realize it was pretty late into dusk, and I’d pedal as fast as I could and pull into the driveway sweaty and out of breath, greeting my mom, who’d be sitting on the front porch with our dog, waving as friends drove by and waiting for me to get home.
    I’ve recently rediscovered the joy of biking and one of my favorite things is riding our bikes down into Red Hook, Brooklyn. There’s a perfect little park-like stretch behind the Fairway grocery store, with benches that face the harbor. We’ll sit there and watch sunset behind the Statue of Liberty. It feels SO New Yorky and peaceful, all at the same time. And since we’re grown ups, I don’t have to worry so much if I’m not home before it’s dark.

    • Amy Throndsen
      Posted July 1, 2012 10:48 am 0Likes

      Colleen, I’m imagining your hair flowing in the breeze behind you as you bike along the peaceful path in Brooklyn. Does your bike have a bell? If not, I want to send you one … there’s something about the [ding!] that makes you feel 12 again. Send me your address! 🙂 Amy

  • Mary Jean
    Posted June 29, 2012 6:51 pm 0Likes

    Chaney Pool! This was our neighborhood summer camp. As soon as school ended our mom would herd us down to the park district office and buy a family pass. I may be wrong about this, but I think it was like twenty or thirty dollars. When I got that laminated rectangle with my picture on it, summer had started. Every day, Chaney Pool. From noon to five, home for dinner, then back at six for the evening session. Every kid in the neighborhood was there, and our mothers were able to retain their sanity until school started again in the fall.
    Happily, Chaney Pool is still around. I’ve taken my own kids there on visits home. It’s snazzier now, with fountains and zero entry and whatnot. The kids of Crest Hill, Illinois, don’t grow up with a lot of privileges, so I’m glad they have, and we had, this sparkling oasis of awesomeness.
    My other favorite thing was eating tomatoes straight from the garden that my dad planted every summer. Sometimes I would slice one up for my sandwich at lunch, but more often I just stood right there in the dirt and bit right into it, with the juice running down my arms.
    And, yes, I love that park behind Fairway, too.

    • Amy Throndsen
      Posted July 1, 2012 10:45 am 0Likes

      Mary Jean, I spent my summer’s at the pool, too! Rode my banana seat bike down the hill and didn’t leave until the sun set. 🙂

  • Mary Pat Lichtman
    Posted July 2, 2012 9:11 am 0Likes

    When I grew up (thousands of years ago), my mother always took me and my friends, and her friends and their kids came too, either to Lake Michigan along the shores of the Upper Peninsula or Indian Lake State Park (when the itch wasn’t there) to play all day long and swim, build sand castles and eat picnic lunches. We learned all the coves and sheltered beaches from Manistique to St. Ignace. It was nothing to drive to Cut River Bridge along highway U.S. 2 for a day away from our home in Manistique. These are the times I remember the most about my early childhood. Since I’m a Yooper, summers were short and I spent a good deal more time wearing coats, hats, boots and mittens than a swim suit during most of the year. Summers were a special time. I still love going up there to visit.

    • Amy Throndsen
      Posted July 22, 2012 1:20 pm 0Likes

      I bet there were a few “summer” days that saw hats and mittens, too! I love that your mother gathering you and your friends together so you could explore the shores of in the UP.

  • Eleanor
    Posted July 4, 2012 11:20 am 0Likes

    I liked camping because we were away from all the distractions & could relax into life a bit more. I would stay up at night till I had to pry my eyes open with sticks while playing endless rounds of the card game Spite ‘n Malice with my mom by the light of a Coleman lantern. There was also cooking (burning) marshmallows over the campfire to make s’mores and singing – yes, indeed!) John Denver songs. Sometimes I would go off into the woods to make little houses w sticks. Or, if I was more daring, I’d make real forts out of bigger branches.

    • Amy Throndsen
      Posted July 22, 2012 1:22 pm 0Likes

      My parents recently started making smores in their backyard & it reminds me of the times we went camping, which were few but memorable. I think many of us share “burnt marshmallows” as a remembrance of summer. 🙂

  • Lesley Ware
    Posted July 5, 2012 8:45 am 0Likes

    I grew up on Michigan’s West coast. My mom and I went to the beach almost everyday in the summer. Sometimes with a car full of my friends and other times just the two of us giggling. We’d walk the pier, splash in the water, and then spend hours getting the sand out of my hair. I never realized how special these moments were until a few months ago when I was on a quiet beach in Mexico. I was completely at peace. Childhood memories serve the important purpose of keeping me grounded while bring fresh perspective. And for that, I’ll always be thankful for the beach.

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