Art that aims to inspire you to live your life better

My artist husband, John Tebeau, shows up as a guest star on my blog fairly often.
But today, he’s the focus — specifically, an art show he has opening Thursday on a subject that’s near and dear to my heart.
“You Want It, You Got It” focuses on the way your attitude and approach to life affects the quality of your life.  That you control your perspective on things and you create your own luck.
Here’s how he explained it on his blog:

What do you want? You want courage? Like the Cowardly Lion, you got it. You want power? Like Billy Batson (who could turn into Captain Marvel with one little utterance:“Shazam!”), you GOT it. You want to make it happen? You want HUSTLE? YOU GOT IT.


And that’s the idea. Like Dumbo flying with the magic feather, you just need a reminder. What you want, you got. It’s in you. You just need to remember to bring it out. Maybe these paintings will help.

power-painting-lo-rez.John Tebeau

Courage. Power. Hustle. Swagger. It’s all in you, ready to come out. Remember that. You’ve already got it. Like in a dream, where you fly, and you remember that somehow you’ve always known how to fly — just mind over matter you tell yourself — you have what you need in you. Deep in there, somewhere, ready to come out if you only remember. And believe. You got it.
Courage John Tebeau watermarked 2013

It’s art that’s about living life intentionally.
I even have a guest star role of my own. John is showing the spell painting he made me as a vision board conjuring up how I wanted life in my 40s to be. It’s my visual reminder to live life intentionally.

Colleen's spell painting watermarked lo-rez

Join us? The opening is Thursday in the East Village, here in NYC:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together

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