
Public pianos in New York City

I should be practicing piano a lot this weekend, since I didn’t put in as much time last week as I would have liked. But it’s so nice outside! It’s hard to stay inside plunking away when it’s in the 80s and sunny. Fortunately, not everyone needs to make this choice between enjoying a lovely summer day and playing piano,…

Have you told yourself it’s too late?

Where did you get your ideas about what it means to get older? Are they serving you? Too late I have this vivid memory: I’m in middle school, that time when being cool becomes so intensely important. I get a too-short haircut I hate. I worry about how long it will take to grow my hair back out, because what if…

How to take the suckiness out of January and get your groove back: Guest post by Katie Goodman

How to take the suckiness out of January and get your groove back: Guest post by Katie Goodman

What seems like a good time to reassess can also bring us to a screeching halt, energy wise.
If you are assessing EVERYthing too much (if you’re not sure, just ask your spouse or best friend who will happily tell you if you are!), you might find you are only ruminating and getting nowhere fast. A better way to get a grip on whether your life is heading in the right direction is to try a few exercises.

Marketing Monday: Social media is about being social

This year at SXSW Interactive, I heard a speaker say something that made me want to leap up, throw my hands in the air and yell, “Amen!” He suggested that many new technologies, whether that’s smartphones, social media or the Internet itself, have been around long enough that we should no longer be infatuated with their gee-whiz factor and instead…

Marketing Monday: 5 tips for better do-it-yourself market research

I’m starting a series called Marketing Monday, with tips and tricks on more effective marketing, from market research to social media, from public relations to branding. Eventually I plan to move the series to a new website at, but in the meantime, I think improving sales and customer communications is close enough to improving your personal and professional life…

Blogversation 2012: How do you use social media to uplift your life?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Lauren McCabe,, @mermaidtales on Twitter, originally posted on her blog under the headline In…

Guest post from Zen Habits: The Three-Day Monk Syndrome

One of my favorite blogs,  Zen Habits,  recently had a post that felt like a richer, better version of several I’ve written on the same topic — setting goals you can achieve. As I’m writing this, I just finished doing crunches in my hotel room. I’m traveling and didn’t much feel like exercise, but I made a commitment to exercise…

Blogversation 2012: Do you make New Year's resolutions?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. I like using the calendar as a prompt in my life. I’m a big fan of birthdays, and I…

Can people really change?

Reading NPR’ s app on my way to the office recently got me thinking about one of my favorite questions — whether people are really capable of change. Terry Gross on WHYY’s Fresh Air did an interview about the new HBO series called “Enlightened,” and talked about that, among other things: Can people really change? That’s the question Laura Dern…

Money can buy happiness, says MP Dunleavy

Money can’t buy love. Money can’t buy happiness. We hear these clichés frequently, but I loved this article from investment firm Vanguard that suggests you can, in fact, buy happiness — if you spend your money on the right things. A snippet from a Q&A with MP Dunleavy, author of “Money Can Buy Happiness: How to Spend to Get the…

HBR: Developing rituals can help achieve your goals

A recent Harvard Business Review suggested the best way to achieve your goals is to not demand too much of yourself. That’s not to say set your goals low — but if you want to reach a goal, don’t make it harder than it needs to be to get there. In a post headlined “The Only Way to Get Important…

Why do we fear failure so much?

My piano teacher has instructed me that I’m to have a glass of wine before I practice piano. He’s constantly reminding me that it’s OK to make mistakes, that as a beginner I need to make mistakes to learn, and he wants me to give myself permission to be imperfect. Thus the wine, to chill out a bit about whether…

Paul Simon brings a fan on stage to play guitar

Maybe it’s because I’m a beginner piano player — and I admit it, I sometimes get myself through practice by fantasizing about sitting in with my favorite musicians — but this video of a recent Paul Simon concert chokes me up. Apparently a fan named Rayna yells out that she learned how to play guitar playing Simon’s song “Duncan,” and…

Five observations after five years in New York

I moved to New York City from Ann Arbor five years ago this month. Earlier this week I shared a laundry list of tourist tips, in part because visiting friends often ask for “real” guidance beyond what they’d get in a guidebook. Today’s post is more about the experience of being a New Yorker — five reflections on being a…

Following through on my commitment: a song for my 40th birthday

When I started piano lessons last spring, my approaching 40th birthday was a big motivator. Something about a milestone birthday triggered my deadline response, and I thought I’d like to be able to play at least one song by my 40th. Turns out I can do a decent job at several songs, including Scarborough Fair and My Cherie Amour. Not…