Setting my goals for 2011 as a comprehensive view of my life

This is what life life vision looks like visually, thanks to a spell painting done by my artist hubby John Tebeau.

I’ve been working on my 2011 goals for the last several weeks, a process that looks a little like doing a five-year plan for a business and a little like casting a magic spell a la The Secret.
What can I say — I’m an MBA with a belief in miracles.
I started by reflecting on my 2010 goals and how I did achieving them, by giving thanks for all I already have and by consciously calling to mind what makes me happy so I can look for ways to bring more of those happy-makers into my life.
Then working with my bestie Lara to brainstorm what would make me fulfilled and happy in the new year, I built a vision for my life.
This isn’t the same as the plan about how I’ll achieve my vision. I think of it as the address I’m typing into my life’s Mapquest — it’s the destination I’m heading to.
Fortunately I don’t think it’s a very long trip from where I am.
Are you setting goals for the new year? A new year’s resolution?
What is your process for setting your goals? What kinds of goals have you set? How do you review how you’ve done in achieving them?
Colleen’s 2011 life plan
I am filled with gratitude and appreciation when:
1.) Career

  • My work is challenging, interesting and rewarding.
  • I like what I do, and I like and respect my colleagues.
  • I feel the work I do matters. I contribute to something that makes a difference and my efforts are appreciated.
  • I work with people I enjoy professionally and personally. We value and respect each other, and there’s warmth between people.
  • I learn new things and have the opportunity to bring new ideas and skills into my work.
  • I am recognized for my contributions, through good pay, praise and involvement in important projects.
  • My career advances consistently, allowing me to grow and develop new skills and still allowing me to keep my life in balance and keep my stress level low.
  • I have a good work/life balance. I enjoy my work, but it doesn’t dominate my life.

2.) Financial

  • I am well compensated for what I do, making enough money to allow for a superior quality of life and to keep putting away money in savings.
  • I enjoy rich benefits — good health care, 4-6 weeks of vacation, training/education.
  • John makes great money through work he loves, giving us a better lifestyle and reminding him tangibly of his talents.
  • We have enough money in savings to provide for the unexpected.
  • Money comes easily and frequently and we use it wisely.

3.) Relationship

  • My marriage with John is fun and vibrant. We enjoy each other’s company, we make each other a priority and we show each other we love each other in big and small ways. We  are attracted to each other physically, intellectually and spiritually.
  • I have close friendships that are a priority in my life. We spend time with smart, interesting, positive people who make us laugh and who inspire us. They enrich my life. They are positive people who inspire and uplift me.
  • I have a close, rewarding relationship with my dad, my aunt and my cousins. I invest time in making sure they know I value them, even if I don’t see them often.

4.) Personal

  • We live in a great place. The city is vibrant with much to do, rich cultural life and convenient shopping.
  • We love our home. It is comfortable and relaxing and we feel at home in our neighborhood. We can afford to live in a home that suits us perfectly. We balance downtime in our nest, going out and having fun, and entertaining in our home.
  • We eat well. We love to cook, we enjoy great restaurants, and as much as possible, we only spend money on dining that brings us joy.
  • We travel to places we love and explore new places.
  • I keep learning. I attend conferences and seminars, read books and seek out people who are on a similar path to help me stay intellectually stimulated.
  • I make time for things that make me feel good: music, cooking, writing.
  • I am in great health. I age gracefully and make it a priority to take care of myself.
  • We consciously research the best location for our forever home to make it an ideal fit.
I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
Let’s work together


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