Newvine Growing book club — come by to discuss, debate, consider

The first book in the Newvine Growing book club: Four-Hour Workweek

Now that we’re done with Month of Thanksgiving and back to the usual topic of living life intentionally, I’m pondering some books I’ve read lately:

I’ve never been one to join book clubs, because I like to pick my own books and take them at my own pace, but the downside of being a book loner is not getting to discuss a recent read with friends.
So how about we try having a Newvine Growing virtual book club? I’ll share some thoughts on a book I’ve especially liked and you can tell me if you think I’m brilliant or full of it.
If conversation really picks up, we could try taking it to Twitter for a live chat or do something on Skype … but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First let me write up a book report on Four-Hour Workweek and post it for your reaction?
Other books I’ve mentioned on the blog:

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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