You can help boost its visibility with these 3 easy steps

Help Your Mini Sabbatical reach readers

A traveler in a hot air balloon explores a land high above the ground, which takes the shape of a serene face. The text says: Your Mini Sabbatical, Quit Your Life Temporarily.

There are literally millions of books published every year. Millions.

It takes work and luck to get a book noticed with that kind of competition.

Unlike that other Colleen, I don’t yet have an army of dedicate fans waiting to scoop up everything I write and catapult it onto the bestseller list.

But I have you!

I appreciate you helping people who’d like to plan a mini sabbatical find this resource. If you do these three easy things, you can help boost my book’s visibility, so potential readers can find it.

How can you help?

  • Buy a book or e-book on Amazon. Amazon sells the majority of books in the U.S. so sales rankings there drive a book’s visibility. Books that sell more copies get recommended to more potential customers.

But if you don’t want to buy on Amazon, “Your Mini Sabbatical” is available several other places as an e-book. (The e-book is both cheaper and searchable, with lots of links out to helpful sites.) Choose your preferred format and preferred platform.


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  • Write a review. Leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It can be just one sentence or even a phrase. More reviews = feeding the algorithm.

Many people tie themselves up on knots about writing the best review. They want to finish the book first so they can be fully informed. They want to say the most insightful, intelligent things. But you don’t have to stress. You aren’t writing for the New York Times book review. You can say something as simple as:

“Before I even got halfway through, I was searching for rentals to see where I might take a mini sabbatical.”

“A self help book disguised as a travel book, and that’s a good thing.”

“It’s practical, but it’s also fun!”

  • Share a post on social media. If you like this book, tell your friends!

You don’t have to use these images, but you’re free to download them if they’re helpful to spread the word.

Your Mini Sabbatical is available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Overdrive.