Live your life intentionally

What's next for you?

Are you at a fork in the road?

Clients often come to me because they’re at a big decision point: I’ve lost my job, I hate my job, I’m about to retire, a new baby is on the way. They want help getting clarity on where to go next, and prioritizing the steps to get there.

I can help you map out your journey.


How I Have Helped My Clients


You shared many insightful and useful tips (I for one will need to work on my “tactical patience” and trying not to catastrophize) and provided valuable resources for those who want to dig deeper.

And, as you do so well, you fostered a trusting environment where people felt safe to share and ask questions.

Julie March

Julie March

director of global training and development, The Associated Press, about my webinar on uncertainty for AP staff worldwide

I was feeling stuck in my career and unsure how to move forward. Colleen helped me get clear on what wasn’t working for me and what I should focus on.

She also helped direct me to defining my values and strengths. This was a fun but important discovery, and everything fit and described me well. It felt good to get to know myself more in this way.

With her coaching and recommendations, she has led me to having more fulfillment in what I do each day.



editor, writer, teacher, student

Your coaching sessions help me stop and reflect on what I’ve done (I finally tell myself ‘good job!’) instead of immediately tackling the next mountain), and give me a chance to look forward.

I know I wouldn’t have had many of the successes I’ve had over the past several years without them. That is an absolute fact!



entrepreneur, air guitarist, mom
Colleen is both wise and accepting and allowed me to be flawed and vulnerable and brave. I remembered things I loved, recognized the joy all around me, took some risks and feel less desperate. Colleen held up her end of the bargain, challenging me, holding me accountable but also pacing me and knowing when to push.


marketing professional, writer, wife, mom
I was stuck. I had a book to finish but I had lost enthusiasm for it and it felt daunting and oppressive. Colleen noted the way I developed my running habit, by setting out my running clothes the night before and making it part of my morning routine, and asked how I could do the same for writing. By building on something I already knew worked for me, I created a morning writing ritual and not only finished my book, I enjoy writing again.


professor and writer


I have blogged about living life intentionally for more than a decade. If you want to read about inspiring people or thought-provoking ideas, here are a few of my recent posts.

Check out the full archive here if you want to go deeper.

My chapter-by-chapter virtual book club on Deepak Chopra's classic book

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success